We are Hiring a Chief Operating Officer

jonnah headshot serious

Mad Agriculture

Jonnah Mellenthin Perkins

Director of Mad! Media


After over a decade working in agriculture and media production, Jonnah has gained access and insight into the power of food to shape movements, cultures, and ecological solutions. Her family’s CSA (community supported agriculture) farm, Vermont Valley Community Farm in Blue Mounds, WI, was one of the pioneering CSA’s in the Midwest. Jonnah’s leadership within the farm shaped her worldview on food and agriculture. In 2019 her family transitioned their CSA into an organic seed potato operation under a new name, Mythic Farm, which serves farmers and gardeners nationally. Jonnah has directed and designed projects of many scopes, from grassroots initiatives to corporate and federally-funded campaigns. Her work focuses on the intersection of food, agriculture, climate change, art, and conservation. Jonnah lives in rural southwest Wisconsin with her family. She loves running, cooking, and getting lost on trails close to home and far away.

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